
  1. Make sure that you have the required dependencies on OS level for building the XML-related packages. For example, on an Ubuntu system, execute the following commands:

    apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev
    apt-get install python-dev libxslt1-dev
  2. Find out the current version of libxml2-python by browsing to and noting done the version number (at time of writing, this was 2.6.21).

  3. Install django-dingos using pip:

    $ pip install<libxml2-python-version-nr>.tar.gz
    $ pip install django-dingos
  4. Add dingos and grappelli to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your settings.

  5. To get started, add the dingos urls to your like so:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
                           url(r'^dingos/', include('dingos.urls')),
  6. Dingos uses the grappelli application (see django-grappelli). This requires you to run the collect static command once after installing grappelli:

    python collectstatic
  7. If you are using south (and you should be using south), carry out the schemamigration for dingos:

    python migrate dingos

    Otherwise (this is not recommended, because migrating to future releases of DINGOS will be a pain), run:

    python syncdb